Welcome to The Word Defined
About Dr. Mike Dobbs
Ministry page of Dr. Mike Dobbs, author of the The Word Defined Research Study Bible and Bible teacher of the Word Alive Broadcast, a Bible study video series.
Dr. Mike Dobbs and his wife of thirty-eight years, Pamela reside in Mississippi and have pastored, Word Alive Revival Center for over thirty years. Their two children Ashley and Adrian are married and have given them five wonderful grandchildren!
Dr. Dobbs’ teaching was heard and appreciated by many for years on a daily basis as the host teacher of the “Word Alive Radio Broadcast”, a systematic verse by verse study of the Bible conducted on WOSM, a gospel radio station that reached most of South Mississippi.
Our Story
Pastor Dobbs was District Coordinator of Purpose Institute, and helped to start four campuses across the State of Mississippi. Purpose Institute is a Bible class that trains young ministers and allows them to earn an Associates or Bachelors diploma in Apostolic ministry. He earned a Bachelor’s in the program while promoting it across the state. His doctorate is a Doctor of Divinity from Cathedral Bible College.
His wife Pam served as Ladies Ministry President for the Mississippi District for over 10 years and Mike is a District Presbyter for the Mississippi District United Pentecostal Church, Int. and travels across the globe, serving as bishop of over thirty churches here and abroad. He has preached conferences and seminars all over the world, as well as teaching training classes to ministry and leadership.
Study Bible
He is the author of the Word Defined Research Study Bible, which attempts to define all the proper nouns of the Bible from the original language, as well as discovering the parabolic teaching of the ancient texts. The 3 volume KJV Bible also includes personal research that he conducted while traveling to Israel, Egypt, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Russia, and many other countries.
Word Alive Summary of the New Testament
His latest book is the Word Alive Summary of the New Testament. The unique feature of this book is the fact that is written in outline form and is ready to use in the pulpit or a small group. This book also includes character sketches of key people in the New Testament and a historical chronological survey of the events which occurred in the Inter-testamental era, the 400 years between the testaments, entitled, “From Malachi to Matthew.”
Follow me
He can be heard Monday- Friday on The Word Alive Broadcast on the Acts Network on Roku and Smartcast TV and has his own YouTube channel.